Honoring Service and Community: Our Discounts for Active Military, First Responders, and UMC Partners

Jan 12, 2024

Treehouse Children’s Academy is not just about education but also supporting and uplifting our community. We believe in recognizing our military, first responders, and valued partners at UMC Medical System. To honor their dedication and sacrifices to our community, we’ve crafted special discounts tailored for these incredible individuals.

Nestled within our Treehouse community, we noticed a need for support tailored to the families of our local heroes – firefighters, EMS, veterans, and UMC employees. The size and location of our 82nd Street school allowed us to create a solution that seamlessly worked for both our families and our Treehouse schools. Among them are firefighters, emergency medical personnel, veterans, police officers, active duty military, nurses, and doctors. Their dedication to Lubbock and the surrounding communities that inspired the creation of these discounts.

Honoring Service, Extending Gratitude

For esteemed Military and First Responder families, we extend a heartfelt 10% discount as a token of our gratitude. Present your badge or ID, and we’ll ensure your children receive the care they deserve at a reduced rate. This honors your service to the community and country.
Additionally, our partnership with UMC allows eligible families to receive a 15% discount. Present a copy of your UMC paycheck, and we’re delighted to provide this discount to show appreciation for your dedication to the Lubbock Community and surrounding areas.

Join the Treehouse Family

We invite all qualifying families to join our Treehouse community. It’s not just a school; it’s a place where care, learning, and community spirit thrive. Your dedication inspires us, and we’re honored to support your family’s educational journey.

To learn more about these discounts or explore the enriching experience awaiting your child at Treehouse Children’s Academy, please contact us. We’re here to assist and ensure every child’s journey is celebrated and supported!

At Treehouse, we salute your service, and we’re honored to stand by your side, offering our heartfelt gratitude through these special offerings.

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